Nazaudy, a spark in your curious mind

The Primeval Atom

This article The Primeval Atom was originally an integral part of the parent article "Why are we here?", but given the fact the parent article was growing extremely huge, I decided for the sake of simplicity to have the section "The Primeval Atom" on a separate thread for simplicity and easy reading. See below the summary of the main article "Why are we here?" and the location of The Primeval Atom, in section 1 article 1. I recommend and encourage you to read all these articles in order (after all, they follow the chronological order of our creation) so that you get the whole picture of really why are we here

Section 1, our star the Sun, without it nothing will be possible

  1. The Primeval Atom
  2. The grapefruit fluctuations at quantum level
  3. The inflation period
  4. Floating in the magic of hydrogen
  5. The Helios nebula

Section 2, the perfect position of planet Earth in the Universe, and the chain of random accidents that caused your existence

  1. The kiss of planet Theia
  2. Diving into the origins of Water
  3. The spark of Life
  4. Jupiter, the Great Benefactor
  5. In the wrong side of the Congo

Section 3, the abstract of your thoughts and the illusion of control

  1. Ancient Civilizations, our roots
  2. Language and Mathematics, the building blocks of humankind
  3. Religion and believes, the intangible reality
  4. Our brains, the biggest mystery
  5. Conclusion


1. The Primeval Atom - 13.7 billion years ago

Religion and Science, reason and faith, are not meant to be enemies, rather, they are two wonderful tools that, like fire and water, allow us to digest the wonders of this Universe. It was a man of God, father Georges Lemaitre, who first proposed the Big Bang Theory back in 1927, two years before Edwin Hubble, though all the credit for the expanding Universe discovery has always been assigned to Hubble, partially because Lemaitre published his article in French, and was not well circulated among the Scientific Community at that time. Both men were undoubtedly in search of the why are we here? question. Lemaitre called the beginning of the Universe the Primeval Atom, and I bet some of his calculations were based on the work of (also not thoroughly recognised by Science at that time, purely because she was a female), the Astronomer Henrietta Leavitt and her discovery of Cepheid variables, stars that as they died allow us to measure the distance from them.  Absolutely everything that exist on the Universe was first compiled (that not compacted) into the size of an atom. Obviously, the Universe must have existed in a very different state, not matter or space, to be able to achieve such a small size, to condensate all the energy into a zero-size state, and just to be picky and go deeper into this matter, the "Primeval Atom" should be re-branded as the "Primeval Atom No-Size", because more and more we believe that it wasn't an atom what was there at the beginning, it was a particle, a speck with no size... that is a concept hard to grasp, that the Universe started with no size at all. What was around that speck of zero-space then? If we say nothing that actually implies something


Georges Lemaître, Monseigneur Big Bang, asked himself why are we here?


The concept of the Primeval Atom means that absolutely everything is connected, all planets, stars , galaxies, and you and me, were once a form of energy coded in the algorithm of the Primeval Atom. Picture yourself laying in the grass, on a lovely summer afternoon, taking shade under a gigantic oak tree. On your hand you happen to have an acorn, the very same seed that fundamentally gives birth to the whole cathedral-like tree that is giving you shade. The oak tree cannot possibly be compacted into an acorn seed, it is purely codified on it. The same could be interpreted for the Primaeval Atom, it wasn't a compact/compressed state of the Universe, it was a codified version of it. This is utterly incomprehensible and impossible to fit on our imagination, just trying to conceive all this space, matter and energy into an atom with no space at all

This is fascinating, and personally to me it presents the following questions:

  • If the Primeval Atom was the beginning of everything, then everything must have an end, there is no concept of infinite. What happens is that we are too small to see the end, but there would be an end, just like there was a beginning. Everything dies, even stars and galaxies, the Principle of Entropy dictates that. So, how will the Universe die? And what would happen after it dies? This is a journey of a one-way ticket only, the Universe and everything within it is one-event, just like when you throw a glass of water into the air, and the droplets of H2O start going all over the place but only in the direction where you threw the water too, the arrow of time is unidirectional, the droplets cannot go back, as they subject to the primeval force you employed when you threw them from the glass. Why are we here is only a temporarily question and, quite frankly, a total waste of time sometimes to ask that, given the fact that, at some point in the future, nothing will be here. If there was a beginning, that implies that there must be an end or conclusion. We are not eternal, nothing is

  • How long was the Primeval Atom in that stage of codified information before it kicked the Big Bang reaction? Was it really energy what the Primeval Atom was composed of? We all know now that E=mc2 allows the matter to be exchanged with energy, and vice versa, therefore maybe this other formula is just as famous as Einstein one's in another plater on the other side of the galaxy: m =E/c2  This is why a tomato (matter) is nothing but the expression of the light of the Sun (energy). The tomato has the ability to transform energy into matter, thus to live. For this transformation to happens a medium needs to exists (rain and earth, in the case of the tomato). Analogically speaking, for the energy to be transformed into matter, a medium (space-time on this occasion) must exist. Therefore, could it have been the insufflation of space and time into the Universe the reason that causes its expansion/explosion from this single point of singularity?

  • What was around the Primeval Atom? Maybe more filaments of energy, all twisted together and somehow linked to the Primeval Atom. Science call the state of the Primeval Atom and its surrounds a "Singularity", basically a word to say that they have no idea of what is going on in there, no Laws being created, no Physics being defined, etc...but this is not quite correct: everything was already coded into the Primeval Atom, the Laws where there otherwise they would not have been created, just like everything single leaf and brunch of an oak is already coded inside the acorn seed

  • What caused the Primeval Atom to ignite? to expand? The only thing that seems to be missing on every singularity described by Science is the 1:1 composition of space-and-time that we perceive as our reality. Then again I ask, could that be the insufflation of space what caused the Big Bang? Expanding energy and allowing matter to be created as a consequence? And the time being a by-product of this insufflation? And another point to consider: if we argue that the matter is created from energy, and that the point of the Primeval Atom was pure energy.... when it exploded/expanded/de-coded, why all energy has not been converted into matter in that chain reaction? Why do we live in a Universe where THERE is energy and also THERE is matter? Could it has been the "singularity" of the Big Bang point something totally different from energy and matter, and those former two (together with space and time) the consequence of the initial explosion?

  • When we think of a Black Hole we can reflect on that and imagine how the Big Band would have look like it: an unmensurable amount of matter with no space. Black Holes have the capability of remove energy from the atoms itself, the energy that exists on the empty space within the atoms, subtract it and convert it into the gravity force that powers the Black Hole. They are indeed atoms catalysers and also they have zero-size (or have don't have a size, whichever way you want to say it). The 'event horizon' is where the light stops working and its atoms (photons) fell apart subtracted by the gravity force of the Black Hole, but if you continue further into the Black Hole that energy gets compacted into zero-space. Yet, black holes do have a mass, and a measurable length, therefore could they indeed have a size inside them? Could the Primeval Atom have being nothing but a Black Hole going ballistics?
  • We can detect black holes.....okay we cannot see them but we can indeed "feel" their presence with instruments, that means that something is escaping the black holes allowing us to detect them....gravity? could gravity actually be faster than light?
  • How can we measure time in million and billion of years when, during this time, the Earth wasn't around to compute in a measurable manner the pass of time? If time is bound by gravity, and the first second even was created during the Big Bang, which gravity must have been inconceivable, then could it be that time was really speeding up at first, and what we perceive now as an expansion of the Universe is nothing but the slowness of time?

  • We know that Black Holes are form by the collapse of massive stars, which during their shiny lives were rotating, therefore black holes have inherited the momentum of theirs ancestors stars and they do indeed rotate too, creating a magnetic field which allow us to actually detect the Black Hole, because it is this field the one that we see interacting with matter. If the Primeval Atom could be interpret as a quasy-black-hole, was it rotating? If it was, where is the rotating-momentum of the initial expansion? Do all galaxies rotate clockwise or anti-clockwise? Is there a rotation momentum inherited in every particle of the Universe? Could it be that we perceive this rotation momentum as time, as the arrow of time?

Note that this picture below is actually incorrect, the expansion happened on a tridimensional scale, not in a 2D representation as the picture displays... if we happens to live on a 3D universe, why cannot we perceive pictures and data on a 3D scale too? Imagine the events of the picture below but in 3D... hard to get all the processes in your head ah? Is it our brain hard-coded to visualise data in 2D mostly? It seems 3D analysis doesn't come as natural


Time since Big Bang with the Primeval Atom in action


A human being (a person) is created from sperm and egg, and a massive Oak tree comes from a single Acorn, so we see examples (the same pattern all over the place) of code complied into small things (like the Primeval Atom) that then later on become more complex systems (like the Universe). If we develop this line of thought and observation, we can see that the oak generates thousands of acorns, each one of them can potentially create more oaks. Humans generates other humans, which in turn generates other humans. This escalated process of creation feeds on the environment: Suns creates other suns, which energy feeds the oaks, which acorns feeds the humans. It seems the Primeval Atom was the start of a series of fireworks, with each atom bound to explode into a further fireworks, that fed on a loop and communicate to the others. Isn't this how chain-reaction radioactivity and molecular chemistry works?

A billionth of a second after the Big Bang, the Universe inflated probably to the size of the Solar System. It was just pure energy but no light, apparently in a plasma-liquid state perfectly harmonious but with billions of degrees of temperature, yet no heat because there was no space to perceive it. Particles were moving so fast in this "primordial homogeneous soup" that they could not assemble into any form (perhaps there were no particles at all, hence they couldn't assemble). Then matter was created... and its anti-matter too! Then both annihilated each other (releasing yet even more energy), but it just happens that during this annihilation process there was slightly more matter than antimatter, why is that? This is what is called the Baryon Asymmetry, where you find a lot more electrons with negative charge than electrons (orbiting a nucleus) with positive charge. As yet, Science does not have a clue of why this happened, why the Universe is defined the way it is? Was there any kind of intelligent design process, at the very beginning, that favoured the mater over antimatter? Like some experts in Astrophysics would say: these question really matter

Another physical event that can draw your curiosity into is the Breit-Wheeler process, where pure light can be transformed into matter. This has not been detected yet by Science, because in order to do these experiments a incredibly insane level of energy is needed, but there are strong evidence that it may be possible, but I guess this may not be related to the creating of matter after the Big Bang, because the photons did not even existed yet.... right?

The geometrically harmonious Universe that we live on must have existed in this coded version of its origins. Given the fact of the chaotic disturbances, explosions and up and downs of the Universe' matter after the Big Bang, and given the fact too that geometry is beautifully preserved everywhere (a spiral galaxy is the same here than half an Universe away), that kind of Universal Geometry must have existed right at the Big Bang state. Did the primaeval atom has an specific shape? Did it have any sort of Gaussian Curvature right from the beginning? I'm losing my marbles with this thought, yet, could its shape had been that of a dodecahedron? That will imply that numbers (the face numbers) already existed in the core heart of the Universe at its beginning. It cannot be otherwise, else.. where do numbers and maths come from? Music and Maths at once? Because if you think it carefully, a dodecahedron is nothing but a mathematically representation of music in a geometric shape. Could a dodecahedron had been the ultimate shape of space where an infinitesimal primaeval atom resided? And if of the 12 faces of a dodecahedron, we add another dodecahedron resulting on a shape of 13 dodecahedron, and on that shape we add yet more dodecahedrons... would the rate of expansion of the Universe be the rate of dodecahedron expansion? Any process that begins requires an impulse... where was it? How many dodecahedrons fit around a single dodecahedron? And why am I thinking that the Primeval Atom had the shape of a dodecahedron? I'm by no means the first one, Leonardo da Vinci painted dodecahedrons to illustrate a book called "The Divine Proportion", he even painted on the book a torus-shape, and one of the considered geometries of the Universe is a three-torus shape

Physics know very well that there are different states of matter, apart from the 3 classics taught in schools (solid, gas and liquid states), we also have plasma and a variety of states in between those four. In extreme circumstances, we need to account for a few more states:

  • Under extreme cold = Bose-Einstein condensate
  • Under extreme density = neutron-degenerate matter
  • Under extreme high energy = quark-gluon plasma

Could the singularity of the Big Bang be accounted for as a new state of matter? Just like Black Holes nowadays should do, where the extreme gravity, density, high energy and heat generates a brand new state of matter. Let's do a funny experiment and take the length of space of a meter, with a photon of light bouncing up and down the length of the meter, then throw that meter ruler into a black hole...the speed of light Mr Einstein said is constant, right? As always he's absolutely right so at first we should see the photon of light moving along the length of the meter at the same constant speed. Approaching the black hole, the enormous gravitational force will stretch the meter, the actual length of space, and the photon of light will take longer to move across the same distance... is it time stopping then?

And where is the edge of the Universe? All the evidence points to a Big Bang, the expansion of the Cosmos indicates there was a beginning. There must be an area in space where the Universe ends, where all the atoms cannot longer expand, where the space is being created as the atoms expand into the emptiness of the nothing, where is it? Where is that place, that ultimate frontier? What laws of physics can be applied to the very edge of the Infinite? Could it be that space is created at the same time as the atoms expand? We are indeed pretty, pretty much insignificant..... all the Cosmos has been expanding for the last 14 billions years and for half of that time we lived in an area of the Universe undisturbed by the expansion, the Solar System has evolved, just like our galaxy and our observable Universe in a quiet area, is all the Cosmos like that?

Leptogenesis tries to explain why there is something instead of nothing, why we live on an universe full of matter when the Big Bang and Einstein predicts that there should equal amount of matter and antimatter formed after the creation. In fact, according to Science, the Big Bang should have collapsed into itself instantaneously upon creation, and yet it survived creating this anomaly that we know of as Universe.  I don't believe the Higgs Field provides mass for all particles in the Universe, because why doesn't it do it (according to Science, of course) for the heavy right-handed neutrinos?

In summary, the Big Bang is an event that challenges our conception of continuity. Yes, we know that we all have to die some day, but we have the conception -and hoping- that everything (our kids, etc) will continue living after that, after our passing. The Big Bang shows a beginning, which can potentially implies an end, and therefore a discontinuity that make all existence fall into the absurd when we consider deeply that at some point everything will end, what's the point of it all? The Big Bang occurrence, which scientists know it is still happening today in the form of Universe expansion and the left overs of CMB -Cosmic Microwave Background radiation-, has the signature of its existence in every single thing that you see, feel and experience, like a spirit that is embedded into everything: all you see started from small, and gradually acquire matter, substance and thought as time progresses. Understanding the Big Bang event and its processes is nothing but reverse engineering our Universe... with everything on it, including us. That is the only event known that you can study and for which everything around you was also part of it.

We detect gravitational waves when two black holes collide, why don't we detect the remaining biiiiiing of when the Universe was started? it terms of space-time deformation? Obviously we don't detect a deformation of space-time as a cause of ripples of the big bang because space-time must have been created as a consequence of the big bang, so we really come from nothing

How "something" can come out of "nothing", and if so, where does the nothing comes from?

