Nazaudy, a spark in your curious mind

Sun in the houses during Solar Return

This article covers the probabilistic interpretation of the Sun in the houses during a Solar Return, also called a Solar Revolution in Astrology

Let's start by explaining first what a Solar Revolution (or Solar Return) means in Astrology: a Solar Revolution is the return of the Sun to "exactly" the same position that it had at the moment of your birth.... exactly by the grade and by the minute. Due to the precision of the Equinox (each Earth’s rotation around the Sun last just a tiny bit longer than 365 days, hence the addition of a leap day every 4 years to our calendar, making that leap year a 366 days long), the return of the Sun to “exactly” the same position that it had at “exactly” the same moment of your birthday does not happen every year. In fact, it only happens once every 33 years… funny ah? Considering that the Sun has a cycle of 11 years in its magnetosphere, it seems that every 3 cycles of the Sun and 33 rotations of our planet, and always from our perspective in planet Earth, the Sun does return to exactly the same spot it had by triangulation of time and space. This is called Orbital Resonance in Astronomy (which by the way turns out it is critical for Life, as I explore in this other article of mine: why-are-we-here)

The sun magnetic poles reverse every 11 years, where after a huge amount of activity in the surface of the sun and its magnetosphere, the reverse of the poles suddenly occurs and the North Pole of the sun becomes the South Pole and vice verse. You could argue that the sun's magnetic cycle is actually 22 years instead of 11, because after 22 years the North Pole of the sun becomes (again) the North Pole, in other words it completes a full cycle rotation. For our article of the Sun in the houses during Solar Return, we will focus on the 3 times x 11 years cycles of the sun, and the significant of this cycle in Astrology

What this all means is that, only on you 33th birthday (and your 66th birthday, 99th birthday etc) you’ll be right in celebrating it at exactly the same time in which you were born; all the other years in between your sun-birthday will be a few hours before or after…. and you’ll be wrong in opening the champagne at the time in which you came into this world. For example, I was born on a Sunday morning at 6:30 am, when the Sun was at 5 degrees and 19 minutes in the constellation of Sagittarius. I normally celebrate my birthday on the day of my birth at 6:30 am, but in theory I should celebrate it (according to Astrology) at the moment in which the Sun passes again for 5:19 of Sagittarius. That is a Solar Return, and it changes from year to year, only every 33 years the Sun is exactly in the same position and at the same time of my birthday (06:30am at 5:19 of Saggy), for the other years the Sun passed for 5:19 of Sagittarius at different times. The comparison of the Astral Chart of when the Sun reaches a Solar Return of the individual, to the Astral Chart that the individual had at the moment of his/her birth, is used in Astrology to provide forecasts and predictions for the incoming year. This sort of Astrological prediction is also called Your Solar Revolution Chart; you can read more about this in this link: Hope you find this explanation of Sun in the houses during Solar Return useful! And if you are interested in Astrology, I recommend you the read of this other article of mine where I explore whether Astrology is actually true or not:

Birthdays are an opportunity to start a new year cycle

Birthdays are an opportunity to start a new year cycle. Picture credits: Jill Wellington


Astrology has many branches of interpreting the future, like transits, primary directions and, in this example I'm exploring, the so called Solar Revolution, based in creating an Astrological Chart for when your solar return happens, and predicting on that chart how your year ahead is going to develop, being the position of where the Sun falls of great importance. You can visit this other site (which I am very fond of): and enter your date of birth in it, together with the location of where your incoming birthday will take place, and that will draw for you an Astrological Chart of your Solar Revolution, it will look something like this example based on my actual birthday. Notice that, for a birthday celebration in London, the Sun will be in the 12 house for its return over 5:19 of Sagittarius


Solar Revolution in London

The following is a probabilistic general overview of how would you interpret the position of the Sun in the houses during a Solar Return, but please note that for a full forecast of your incoming year, the Solar Revolution chart needs to be read along side your Astral Chart of birth. It is critically important to know where your Ascendant is in relation with the Sun's return house, the aspects or any planets in conjunction with the Sun's return, any retrograde planets and its positions in the solar housers that may delay events related to those houses, as well as to determine any sensitive or conflictive planet/s or points in your natal chart that may get activated during a particular Solar Revolution event. In this article about the Sun in the houses during Solar Return, I only consider (obviously, given the name of the article!) the position of the Sun in the houses, which is where normally we'll focus our attention, emphasis and energy during the incoming year. The sun in Astrology indicates the composition of our character and internal ego, and the place where it is located denotes the purpose, the tangible results that we wish, and what we aim to achieve during the incoming year


Sun in the 1st House - Solar Return

With the Sun falling into the First House during a Solar Revolution, the incoming year will be a great time to focus on self-improvement and developments in areas where your natural self 'shines' more, as you will find few obstacles ahead for self-realisation during this period. The brightness and glory of the Sun falls in your personal identity house, indicating a year where you become the center of attention of your endeavours, full of enthusiasm, dynamism and when your body and your mind response to your will power. During this year you'll suffer very few sickness, if any. This is a very good period where you can grow personally, take control of your existence and influence others due to an intensification in your charisma and magnetism. This position in the astral charts of females indicates a notable year with work progress and recognition. If the Sun receives a good aspect of Jupiter, there would be support from other individuals who will help you achieve your own goals. With bad aspects from Mars, there would be discussions and attacks towards you during this year

Sun in the 1st house during a Solar Return indicates a period of self-realisations

Sun in the 1st house during a Solar Return indicates a period of self-realisations. Picture credits: mzmatuszewski0


Sun in the 2nd House - Solar Return

With the Sun falling into the Second House during a Solar Revolution, the areas of your attention during this year will primarily be your finances and possessions, as well as actions that you can take to secure your position in life, being a good time to strength your roots and firmly settle your stability in life. Your sense of saving resources is enhanced during this period and there would be opportunities for financial growth, as long as the Sun does not receive any critical bad aspects; as always, the whole overall of the chart will need to be looked up in comparison with the natal chart for a proper forecast, but a Sun in the Second House will indeed indicates a focus in finance and resources. This position also indicates the arrival of money from occupations that are not related to your work, and if there is a relation with the father for work purposes, that will have a economical repercussion during this year. If the Sun receives bad aspects from Jupiter or Mars the budget could be out of control. If the bad aspects are received by Neptune, it is likely that the money will be spent in useless or unrealistic stuff

 Sun in the 2nd house indicates a period of interest in Finances

Sun in the 2nd house during a Solar Return indicates a period of interest in Finances. Picture credits: nattanan23


Sun in the 3rd House - Solar Return

With the Sun falling into the Third House during a Solar Revolution the levels of communications are at the front line in your year ahead. During this year-cycle, you have the need to communicate your ideas, to do short travels and to satisfy your curiosity, whatever it may takes you, embarking in agile and mental projects like courses, seminars or any form of communication that could satisfy your increased curiosity,which will certainly arise during this period. A close contact with your siblings, in the form of communication or travel to or with them, could also happen during this year. Your appetite for reading will increase during this year, as well as of course for reading and everything in relation to literature. You will have more inspiration to write, and this is year would be the best time to starting a book

 Sun in the 3rd house during a Solar Return indicates a period of mind-engaging communications

Sun in the 3rd house during a Solar Return indicates a period of mind-engaging communications. Picture credits: geralt


Sun in the 4th House - Solar Return

With the Sun falling into the Fourth House during a Solar Revolution, the incoming year will be somehow related to your family roots, where your attention and energy will be directed to family matters. A desire to create your own family, to settle down or to find your own origins will appear during this year, being overall a good period to embark in these sort of things that bring stability and solidity to your life. You will tend to spend more time at home, and events in relation to your family are to be expected. This will be a year of tranquillity where you enjoy the company of your family and welcome to your home more guests than usual. If you have estate properties, this year will be a good time to rent or sell them, as their benefit will increase, thou it is important to consider other planets like Saturn and Uranus before embarking into this. This year-cycle could be an occassion where your father receives some sort of recognition or award

 Sun in the 4th house indicates a period focusing in your own roots and family

Sun in the 4th house during a Solar Return indicates a period focusing in your own roots and family. Picture credits: geralt


Sun in the 5th House - Solar Return

With the Sun falling into the Fifth House during a Solar Revolution, be prepare for Love to visit your life during this year. You will feel lighter and more pro-active to establish new relationship or to enjoy to a higher level of creativity the ones that you already have. Your children, or any aspects in relation to your creative and the way the Universe express into your life, will take your attention during this period. It is a good year to spend time with those whom you love the most, and probably there will be an increase in your entertainments activities (like for example more holidays, frequent visit to the theatres, to dine out, shopping out, etc) for which it is recommended that you watch out and control any excess that may derivate from these entertainments, like excessive eating or spending. If you are a woman and the Sun receives good aspects, especially from the Moon or Jupiter, it is very likely that you'll become a mother during this year

 Sun in the 5th house during a Solar Return indicates a period where Love will flourish in your life

Sun in the 5th house during a Solar Return indicates a period where Love will flourish in your life. Picture credits: kaboompics


Sun in the 6th House - Solar Return

With the Sun falling into the Sixth House during a Solar Revolution, the topics of health and work will be of primary importance during this year. Unless absolutely necessary, it is recommended to avoid any type of operations or surgery interventions during this year. Your attention and energy will be absorbed by your work environment, and you may spend lots of time analysing your workplace structure and co-workers. If the Sun receives bad aspects from other planets, you may have low vitality and energy during this period, and at work you may be asked to do stuff that you don't really like. In bad aspects with Saturn, you will feel apathy about your daily routine. Low vitality and feeling tired are normal during this year-cycle, and is perhaps not the best time to do a marathon, for example

 Sun in the 6th house during a Solar Return indicates a period filled by your work environment and its details

Sun in the 6th house during a Solar Return indicates a period filled by your work environment and its details. Picture credits: CJMM


Sun in the 7th House - Solar Return

The Sun falling into the Seven House during a Solar Revolution indicates a year where you are indeed focus on others, it doesn't necessarily mean that you forget yourself, but it does indicates a period where your attention and energy are centered in people around you, specifically your partner of business associated. You become more social during this time and are more open to dialogue. This position of the sun can very well indicate a year where marriage happens or where you formalised and established long term relations with others. If you are single, you will have the desire an the opportunities to create more comprehensive relationships with others. If the sun receives bad aspects from Saturn there would be problems with stability and relationships. If the bad aspects are from Jupiter there would an exaggeration of the image that we have of our partner or business associated

 Sun in the 7th house during a Solar Return indicates a period where your attention is fixed in your partner

Sun in the 7th house during a Solar Return indicates a period where your attention is fixed in your partner. Picture credits: Pexels


Sun in the 8th House - Solar Return

With the Sun falling into the Eight House during a Solar Revolution, there is a need that you will have during this period to transform yourself, to elevate your existence to a higher note. Investigations, challenges, travelling or sexual experiences that take you out of your comfort zone are all possible during this year. You have a deeper analysis of yourself and your motivations, and this is is a great period to seek knowledge, and to discard from your life things that you no longer need or that no longer serve you, hence transforming yourself and re-structuring your existence. Those changes may not be completed in this year-cycle, but they will start during this time. The Sun in the 8th house during a solar return also indicates the possibility of obtaining inheritances, and the presence of death and changes during this year in your life. If in bad aspects with Saturn, it indicates the passing of the father during this time

 Sun in the 8th house during a Solar Return indicates a period of transformation

Sun in the 8th house during a Solar Return indicates a period of transformation. Picture credits: sergeitokmakov


Sun in the 9th House - Solar Return

With the Sun falling into the Nine House during a Solar Revolution there is a desire for expanding your horizons during this year, the wish of elevating your mind and spirit towards the Cosmos that will induce you to travel more, specially to faraway places or for long distances. This is a good period to start high education studies or courses, the university and to welcome opportunities and contact with the foreign, specially if the Sun receives good aspects from Jupiter. Your ambition increases, an you desire to expand and improve yourself, specifically on those areas that you were always interested, also increase. Your spirituality and connection to higher beings is accentuated during this year-cycle. If you work in the field of research or science, this will be a good year to publish your results, specially if Uranus is on an harmonic aspect to the Sun. With aspects from Saturn, you will have the possibility of bringing to the material world your most higher dreams and philosophy of life

 Sun in the 9th house during a Solar Return indicates a period of expanding horizons

Sun in the 9th house during a Solar Return indicates a period of expanding horizons. Picture credits: NZKGB


Sun in the 10th House - Solar Return

With the Sun falling into the Ten House during a Solar Revolution, you Career will be in the spotlight during this year. You become ambitions and have a need to grow professionally and find your real vocation. This intensification in your ambition will drive you in search of goals in a proactive manner, with a high probability of raising your status in society during this year. Success will arrive to you during this year, but it could well be that you consider it insufficient given your increased capacity of work and purpose. The responsibility for been at the fore front of tasks will grow, and you will be pushed by the circumstances to respond to an increased demand. The Sun receiving good aspects from the Moon will determine the public acceptation and support in your career during this year. Pay attention to any aspects of Jupiter or Saturn, as they will influence the professional results of this year for better or for worse

 Sun in the 10th house during a Solar Return indicates a period of healthy ambition and career progress

Sun in the 10th house during a Solar Return indicates a period of healthy ambition and career progress. Picture credits: FotoArt-Treu


Sun in the 11th House - Solar Return

With the Sun falling into the Eleven House during a Solar Revolution the world of projects and realisation will be your main focus during this year-cycle, with an appetite for individualism as well as for being part of groups that benefit the overall well-being of humanity. This is a great year to share your time with friends, where new contacts and an expansion of your social life could potentially happen. It is likely that you will ask to your friends or trusted people about your projects and how to achieve them, and your personality will find a prominent position among your friends. Your projects will come into your life under the theatre of the zodiac sign of your Sun. Aspects with Uranus will greatly increase the importance of your friends during this year, and in case of bad aspects there can potentially be break ups of friendships or community associations to which you are a member

Sun in the 11th house during a Solar Return indicates a period when projects are at the front line

Sun in the 11th house during a Solar Return indicates a period when projects are at the front line. Picture credits: Engin_Akyurt


Sun in the 12th House - Solar Return

With the Sun falling into the Twelve House during a Solar Revolution, a time for reflection and self-isolation are needed into your life. You will find that you want to retreat from active engagement with others and prefer to dwell in the past as a process of self-healing and until maturity is achieved. This is a time where your subconscious pushes any issues that you may have hidden on your mind into your conscious, for analysis and assimilation, in order to move forward in life in a healthy manner. You natuarlly prefer to be alone during this time, and it is possible that a period of retreat is taken due to sickness or long operations. The position of the Sun in this house indicates some sort of obstacles and troubles to your initiatives during this year-cycle. If there are bad aspects to the Sun from Saturn or Neptune, the contact with the subconscious when it emerges will be painful

Sun in the 12th house during a Solar Return indicates a period of self-isolation to reflet 

Sun in the 12th house during a Solar Return indicates a period of self-isolation to reflect. Picture credits: jplenio


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If you have enjoyed reading this article of mine about the Sun in the houses during Solar Return, you may enjoy this other article too: Is Astrology real? Can it predict my future? Of course, remember that the position of the sun only gives you the main focus of what the year will be like. For a full forecast of the solar revolution chart, you must take into consideration all the other objects in the sky and evaluate its positions against the natal chart.


Your Solar Return personal data - experiment

The big question in Astrology always is: how do you know this is true? We all know that evidences that prove the veracity of Astrology are all very vague to say the least. How can we be sure that these 'predictions' of the Sun in the houses during Solar Return are not just some sort of elaborated bullshit? For example, the forecasts listed when the Sun falls in the 1st house during a Solar Return can be applied to virtually every individual during every year, regardless of where the Sun falls in houses 1 or 10 or whatever; every one during the course of a year will be the 'spotlight' at some point or will achieve some personal goals during a period of 12 months, right?

To test the accuracy of a Solar Return in your life, I invite you and challenge you to do this experiment.... a personal experiment. Copy and paste the table below in a program like Microsoft Excel, and start by completing it with your own details, listing your last 5 to 10 birthdays and enumerating in the "Events" column between 1 or 2 events that you thought and felt were of particular importance during that year, together with one or two words that describe the overall feeling during that period. See it as a good exercise of memory, it would be fun! Take your time recalling events, go through your Social Media if needed or your journal if you have one, or through your work/personal calendars, collection of pictures to help you recall the events. In the "Period" column I've set November because that is the month when I was born, but you obviously should set your own


 Stage 1 - Recall and write significant events/feelings during the years
Period  Events
November 2023 - Now  
Nov 2022 - Nov 2023  
Nov 2021 - Nov 2022  
Nov 2020 - Nov 2021  Career questioning, solitude, self-reflection and resentment
Nov 2019 - Nov 2020  Had a lovely relationship during summer, introspection
Nov 2018 - Nov 2019  Travelled to Lanzarote, Nepal, self-development
Nov 2017 - Nov 2018  Travelled to SEA, rhinoplasty, joy and bitterness
Nov 2016 - Nov 2017  Career improvement, love disappointments, savings increased
Nov 2015 - Nov 2016  Changed job, published a book, enthusiasm and new contacts
Nov 2014 - Nov 2015  Seeking a partner, brother-in-law passed away, loneliness
Nov 2013 - Nov 2014  Consummated a breakup, travelled to Jerusalem, infatuation


Once you more or less complete your table, like I have done for myself above, add an extra column to it named "Birthday Location", and recall for each year where you celebrated your birthday, the location of where you blew the candles. Rememberer that your Solar Return could happen the day before or after your actual birthday, so just make the closest approximation possible


 Stage 2 - Add the 'Birthday Location' column, and recall the place where you were at for your birthday
Period Birthday location  Events
November 2023 - Now Vigo  
Nov 2022 - Nov 2023 London  
Nov 2021 - Nov 2022 Berlin  
Nov 2020 - Nov 2021 London  Career questioning, solitude, self-reflection and resentment
Nov 2019 - Nov 2020  London  Had a lovely relationship during summer, introspection
Nov 2018 - Nov 2019  London  Travelled to Lanzarote, Nepal, self-development
Nov 2017 - Nov 2018 Osuna (Spain)    Travelled to SEA, rhinoplasty, joy and bitterness
Nov 2016 - Nov 2017 Osuna (Spain)    Career improvement, love disappointments, savings increased
Nov 2015 - Nov 2016  London  Changed job, published a book, enthusiasm and new contacts
Nov 2014 - Nov 2015  London  Seeking a partner, brother-in-law passed away, loneliness
Nov 2013 - Nov 2014  London  Consummated a breakup, travelled to Jerusalem, infatuation


On the third stage of this very personal experiment, add an extra column an label it "Sun in House", and then visit , enter your personal DOB (Date of Birth) on that great website and calculate the position of the Sun for each one of your Solar Returns. It is important to take note as well any aspects that the Sun may experience and record it as well, thou for this you need to know the symbols of the planets an the meaning of aspects like trine (120 degrees separation), square (90 degrees) or conjunction


 Stage 3 - Calculate the Sun position for each one of your birthday in the "Sun in House" column
Period Birthday location Sun in House  Events
Nov 2023 - Nov 2024 Vigo 5 (conj Mars, opo Moon, squ Sat, trine MC)  
Nov 2022 - Nov 2023 London 8 (tri Jup)  
Nov 2021 - Nov 2022 Berlin  11 (conj Mercury, square Moon, trine Sat)  
Nov 2020 - Nov 2021 London 2  Career questioning, solitude, self-reflection and resentment
Nov 2019 - Nov 2020  London 5  Had a lovely relationship during summer, introspection
Nov 2018 - Nov 2019  London 7 (conj Merc & Jup, trine Moon, sqr Nep)  Travelled to Lanzarote, Nepal, self-development
Nov 2017 - Nov 2018 Osuna (Spain)   11 (square Moon & Neptune)  Travelled to SEA, rhinoplasty, joy and bitterness
Nov 2016 - Nov 2017 Osuna (Spain)   2 (square Neptune)  Career improvement, love disappointments, savings increased
Nov 2015 - Nov 2016  London 4 (sext Mars, conj Saturn, trine Ur, sqr Nep)  Changed job, published a book, enthusiasm and new contacts
Nov 2014 - Nov 2015  London 7 (trine Uranus, square Neptune)  Seeking a partner, brother-in-law passed away, loneliness
Nov 2013 - Nov 2014  London 11 (trine Uranus, square Neptune)  Consummated a breakup, travelled to Jerusalem, infatuation


Now, for the final stage, highlight the House number (and/or any aspect the Sun may have experienced) and with honestly and self-analysis try to find a match into the column's Event. Don't "fabricate" any event of feelings regarding the years passed, and just try to be honest with yourself and the events that have happened in your life. Using yourself as a guinea-pig has advantages and disadvantages: only yourself know yourself better, and because of that very same reason you are the most inadequate person to make an objective judgement about yourself. Try to have a 'systematic and methodology' approach to this experiment. As you can see on my personal table below, out of 9 years I found 6 matches, where the Sun was in a position that predicted events and feelings that happened to me in the year to come. That is a 66.7% of accuracy, and that is only considering the position of the Sun in the House, further accuracy may be drawn when we do this interpretation properly, by a comparison of the Birth Astral Chart of an individual with the Astral Chart of the Solar Return. This experiment is purely to prove that, yes, in principle the position of the Sun in the houses during a Solar Return does have an influence in the life on the individual, at least on my case, but how about yours?


Stage 4 - Highlight matching concepts if any for the Sun in the houses
Period Birthday location Sun in House  Events
Nov 2023 - Nov 2024 Vigo 5 (conj Mars, opo Moon, squ Sat, trine MC)  
Nov 2022 - Nov 2023 London 8 (tri Jup)  
Nov 2021 - Nov 2022 Berlin  11 (conj Mercury, square Moon, trine Sat)  
Nov 2020 - Nov 2021 London 2  Career questioning, solitude, self-reflection and resentment
Nov 2019 - Nov 2020  London 5  Had a lovely relationship during summer, introspection
Nov 2018 - Nov 2019  London 7 (conj Merc & Jup, trine Moon, sqr Nep)  Travelled to Lanzarote, Nepal, self-development
Nov 2017 - Nov 2018 Osuna (Spain)   11 (square Moon & Neptune)  Travelled to SEA, rhinoplasty, joy and bitterness
Nov 2016 - Nov 2017 Osuna (Spain)   2 (square Neptune)  Career improvement, love disappointments, savings increased
Nov 2015 - Nov 2016  London 4 (sext Mars, conj Saturn, trine Ur, sqr Nep)  Changed job, published a book, enthusiasm and new contacts
Nov 2014 - Nov 2015  London 7 (trine Uranus, square Neptune)  Seeking a partner, brother-in-law passed away, loneliness
Nov 2013 - Nov 2014  London 11 (trine Uranus, square Neptune)  Consummated a breakup, travelled to Jerusalem, infatuation


This experiment, private to you, may prove the influence of the Sun in the houses during a Solar Return in your personal life. If you are struggling doing this experiment, please do not hesitate to contact me using the details in the About me page, I may be able to help

London, boxing day 2021


References and further reading